What Nutritional Therapy is not…

People have many misconceptions about what Nutritional Therapy is, what it does and who it can help. Following on from my previous post about what Nutritional Therapy is, here are my Top 5 “What Nutritional Therapy is not….”

  1. What Nutritional Therapy is not… is a replacement for conventional medical advice. We do not replace your GP or consultant as we are not doctors, and as such, cannot diagnose, prescribe or claim to ‘treat’ disease
  2. An ‘alternative’ therapy. See above: We offer a complementary service, frequently working alongside medical professionals to support and enhance individuals’ wellbeing
  3. “Woo-woo”. We take an entirely evidence-based, nutrition science-driven approach. This approach is much more comprehensive than mainstream medicine, looking at the whole body, the whole PERSON & the whole lifestyle. We are more up-to-date with nutrition research and free-er to implement it, evolving our protocols along with the current science (did you know that it takes on average 16 years before a research finding makes in into standard medical advice/ treatment protocols? Crazy, right?)
  4. The only solution to a problem. Nutritional Therapy is often a foundational aspect of healing. But it usually works best in conjunction with other trained professionals and therapies – medical advice at a minimum – but also psychotherapy, life coaching, yoga, personal training, acupuncture, osteopathy etc.
  5. Free. If only it were….! Progress is being made and in some areas, Nutritional Therapists are already consulting from GP surgeries. Recognition of the power of nutrition and lifestyle medicine has never been greater – or more needed! After all, the healthcare system is on the brink of collapse from the strain of a chronically (lifestyle-related) sick population. It is inevitable that personalised nutrition will become an integral part of the future healthcare paradigm. But, until then, Nutritional Therapy is NOT… free (sadly) but remains a private paid-for service.



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