Christmas Wellbeing by a Nutritionist

With the Christmas period in full swing and social events ramping up, eating well and feeling energised and on top of life (as opposed to sluggish and bloated!) can be a challenge. To make the next couple of weeks a little easier to navigate, I’ve shared my top tips for Christmas Wellbeing by a Nutritionist.

1. Don’t go hungry to “save calories” for later. If you know you’ll be enjoying a festive feast later in the day, many of us instinctively adopt this mindset. Don’t do it is the first tip for Christmas Wellbeing by a Nutritionist: It’s a sure-fire way to send blood sugar haywire (leaving you tired and grumpy); make your overeat later (& consume more than you might have done); & trigger digestive symptoms to boot!
2. Move your body & get outside – but not to ‘earn your calories’ or ‘ ‘burn off treats’! Approach exercise from a place of enjoyment & self-care – at any time of year.
3. Be choose-y! This is one of my favourite tips. When presented with a gazillion food options, be mindful & intentional about what you really WANT to eat. Which choices will leave you happiest & most satisfied? Choose what you love – and savour them! Anything that leaves you ‘meh’ – skip
4. Keep to “anchor habits”. These are everyday practices that nurture us physically & mentally. At a time of year when most routines go out the window, and we’re often at the beck & call of others, a bit of consistency can help ground & Empower us. It might be 15 minutes of yoga, writing in a journal, or reading for 30 mins before drifting off
5. Beware “all or nothing” thinking. Christmas once-a-year. Eating differently from ‘normal’ is to be expected – & encouraged. Deprivation is a recipe for DISASTER. A couple of weeks is absolutely not going to make or break your health & wellness journey! It’s what we do MOST of the time that matters
6. Tune into fullness cues. This is much easier done when eating around a table, pausing to savour & enjoy what’s in front of you!
7. Be mindful around drinking. Like any celebration, Christmas is likely to involve a drink or two… But rather than being swept along, consider IF alcohol – & how much – is right for you. How does it make you feel, including emotionally? What about the next day?
8. The food we eat is only PART of the recipe for health. Remember that social connection & rest/sleep are foundational pillars of wellbeing too – both of which we may have more of over the holidays



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